PROFILES Fairfield

Fairfield CT Town Elections Candidate Profile Page 2023




PARTY: Democrat


• Elected to RTM in 2021
• Secretary, Public Works & Planning Committee
• Business Manager, Black Rock Pilates
• IBM, 10-year career in sales and management
• Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, Member and former Local Leader
• Past PTA President (2 yrs) and VP (5 yrs)
• St. Paul’s Episcopal Church: active member (26 yrs), Sr. Warden and Vestry Member (4 yrs)
• Operation Hope volunteer (10 yrs)
• B.A., Business and French, Skidmore College
• Married with two adult children, both graduates of Fairfield Public Schools


 Fellow District 9 Residents,
I’m running for re-election because I’ve really enjoyed working on your behalf for the last two years.  During that time, I’ve proven to be an enthusiastic, engaged and hard working member of the RTM. I’ve attended all 35 meetings where I am a moderate, calm, rational voice. As an independent thinker who strongly values honesty and integrity, I try to set an example of civil discourse and active participation.

I take seriously my responsibility to do the research, be prepared, and vote in a way that respects my constituents. I’ve voted for the Safe and Livable Streets Ordinance to improve our roadway infrastructure and encourage biking and walking; for updates to our Noise Ordinance so you can enjoy your property without burdensome noise violations; and for funding a climate resilience study in our beach area. I’ve advocated for repair of the broken digester at the sewage treatment plant and against installation of ultra-tall and unsightly UI monopoles.

I’ll continue to support strong funding for our public education system as well as increased services for seniors, while advocating for stronger financial controls and management practices within our administration.

I hope to earn your vote on November 7! Please reach out with any questions to 


Fairfield DTC: 2023 Candidates for RTM
Facebook: Fairfield RTM D9 Dems



Phone: N/A

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