PARTY: Republican
• Fairfield resident since 2005
• Member of Greenfield Hill Congregational Church; former Church Council Chairperson
• Commissioner on the Fairfield Historic District Commission
• Board Member of the Fairfield County Home Builder’s Association
• Small Business Owner of an award-winning home building and remodeling company
• BS, Construction Management Technology, Central Connecticut State University
• Passionate about our US Constitution and the Bill of Rights
• Passionate and informed about current events
• Married to wife Amanda for 22 years
• We are blessed with two children, 17 and 21 years old
• We have two beautiful Bernese Mountain Dogs to walk us
• Favorite hobby or sport is snow skiing
I am seeking this office because I am a big fan of the Town of Fairfield, it is a great place to live and raise a family. I want to give back and serve the community that has given me and my family so much. In speaking with Fairfield residents during my campaign I have learned the biggest concerns are keeping corruption out of Town Government, keeping Fairfield affordable, maintaining our top-notch schools, and keeping our streets and communities safe. I am passionate about these issues as well and will continue to ensure these are my focus if I am honored to be elected.
I have read many negative letters to the editor as well as campaign pieces attacking our current elected officials. I will use civility and integrity as my guiding principles. I assume that all our elected officials are passionate about Fairfield, and sometimes we disagree about how best to represent our constituents and occasionally emotions can become elevated. I pledge to perform my duties with passion and respect for my opponents. I am not afraid to disagree, however I will use civility as my guide.
As a successful small business owner, I wear many hats throughout my day. It is very important to manage multiple priorities without letting issues go unresolved. I am a proven leader in my industry, and I handle challenges joyfully by rolling up my sleeves, bringing the team together, determining the best course of action and proceeding toward that goal. Keeping the goal in mind and adjusting course when required to reach the goal.
Fairfield RTC: 2023 Candidates for RTM
Phone: (203) 515-3004