PROFILES Fairfield

Fairfield CT Town Elections Candidate Profile Page 2023



RUNNING FOR: Board of Education

PARTY: Republican


• Fairfield resident for 7 years with multi-generational ties
• Married, three children, two in Fairfield Public Schools
• PTA Member, Sherman Elementary School
• Parent volunteer, St. Paul’s Nursery School
• Parishioner, St. Thomas Aquinas Church
• Former Teach for America Corps Member, Charlotte, NC
• Best New Teacher of the Year, Winterfield Elementary
• Contributing writer, Fairfield County Mom
• Author of three young adult novels
• B.S. Communication, Cornell University, Cum Laude


 I am Jackie Bardenwerper, a mom of three, a writer, a former marketing executive and former Teacher For America teacher. I write for the blog Fairfield County Mom, and am the author of three novels for tween girls. With two children at Sherman Elementary and another entering next year, I am committed to championing our schools and ensuring all students can achieve success while feeling safe, secure, and valued.

I am also running for the BOE because I believe education can change lives, including my own. My maternal grandparents fled the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and settled in Fairfield. Here my mother achieved academic success because of the Fairfield Public Schools. Her story has instilled in me a deep respect for public education, especially in this town.

If elected, I hope to help:
• Support curriculum changes that address the proficiency gap among high needs and non-high needs students
• Work with the State Board of Education on the racial imbalance mandate to find a meaningful solution that preserves neighborhood schools 
• Continue to prioritize the current AC/HVAC project so all schools have proper air ventilation 
• Work toward a long-term solution for the Early Childhood Center that creates a united community
• Support teacher, paraprofessional, and staff retention initiatives 
• Plan the Dwight and Jennings renovations and research solutions to overcrowding in the district
• Improve the board’s communication with other town bodies to enhance long-term planning

I also promise to always listen, learn, and collaborate. Thank you for your time. Please reach out with questions!




Phone: N/A

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